There's a new photo gallery up.

I'm sorry for the time between updates, they will be more frequent after summer

Minor updates - some broken links fixed in the photo galleries

 New screen captures, made by myself, added January 18


all recent updates can be found above 
biography about Gabi (SB)
galleries film history television history
articles message board chatroom
links guestbook
contact priscilla

DISCLAIMER: All pictures from SUNSET BEACH are (c) NBC television. The 'About Gabi' links
to a page belonging to Priscilla Garita Fan Site. It was just such a good summary of the character's life,
I had to add it. I was unable to find how to contact the webmaster of that site, so I am using the link with
hopes that you don't mind.

Page Design and original artwork/photos/articles (c)
Priscilla Garita Online and Amanda Stevenson